Learn Transformational Communication & Storytelling Online in Virtual Reality!


Your chance to learn Transformational Communication & Storytelling

An online virtual reality course with Dr. Karen Dietz

For the fourth time I’m offering this groundbreaking — and affordable — online course in Transformational Communication and Storytelling.

Who takes this course?

Busy managers, directors, nonprofits, sales leaders, and entrepreneurs through the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Executive Education Program. 

Participants are from all around the world.

Even easier — enroll with a buddy in your own or nearby time zone to build your skills together!

Take it for a grade, or pass/fail.

What is Transformational Business Communication (TBC)?

TBC combines conversational intelligence with narrative intelligence in business. In other words, it’s all about upgrading your speaking and storytelling skills so you can move confidently into your future, and make a bigger difference in the world. It’s about…

Impact. Influence. Vision. Change.

Accelerate your career. Accelerate your results. Accelerate your organization.

Interaction is the bedrock for building your transformational communication and storytelling skills. Because you can’t upgrade your communication skills by reading a book, listening to a PowerPoint recording, or talking to yourself.

Even in a virtual reality class, there will still be lots of interactions for you to build your skills.

By the time you’re done you’ll:

  1. Hone your conversational intelligence and narrative intelligence to leap forward at work.

  2. Easily have Level 3 transformational story conversations

  3. Apply, test, and grow your transformational communication and storytelling skills at work in real time

  4. Craft 4 different transformational stories in class along with an influential presentation at the end.

  5. Walk away with at least 9 different story structures to use that allow you to shine, spur decision making, enroll people in your project, product, or service, tell the data story, and amplify your vision.

  6. Learn my storytelling hacks to make story crafting and delivery tons easier

  7. Leverage virtual platforms to participate, learn from, work with, and practice with others in class

  8. Leave the course equipped with tools, experiences, and resources that you will rarely receive anywhere else.

  9. Topics covered: read below

What do students say?

"I signed up for this class to help me in the professional development of my communication skills. I did both and so much more!"
"I am really happy and thankful for all that I learned, plus the new insights and inspiration that I got from this course! Through working on the assignments in this course, I have already learned how to apply them at work!"
"I enjoyed this class so much more than I expected to. I learned I am able to be successful in a virtual class and create relationships and level 3 conversations with people I've never met in real life. All of it was because we were able to do just what this class was all about: sharing stories to build relationships and create shared meaning."
"I have improved my own storytelling skills, I have learned how to listen appreciatively, and I have even conquered some fear of public speaking! Thank you all for such a great course!"
"There were an abundance of great content and I am looking forward to continuing reference it as I craft stories and communicate at work. I really appreciate what I learned, as well as what I learned working with others. Thank you!"

Dates: January 12, 2021 - March 9, 2021

TOPICS: Build your transformational communication and storytelling skills in this course by:

  1. Setting goals for yourself so you can measure your progress in building these skills

  2. Building your conversational and story intelligence and apply what you learn at work

  3. Learning the neuroscience of storytelling and how to craft a story

  4. Realizing how to craft a compelling story

  5. Discovering your 7 Signature Stories and crafting your first one

  6. Understanding your audience so you can speak directly to them

  7. Experiencing the power of story listening for influence, apply what you learn at work with profound results

  8. Practicing getting way better at crafting and delivering a story using your new found story listening superpowers

  9. Building your visual language skills to be more impactful and memorable

  10. Figuring out where you are in the change cycle, which story you need to tell, and which ones you need to listen to for moving forward

  11. Discovering how to build a high performing team at work using storytelling

  12. Crafting your vision story to make an impact at work or to make a bigger difference in the world

  13. Experiencing how to take data and weave it into a story so you can accelerate decision making

  14. Delivering an influential presentation that moves people to action

  15. Knowing yours and other’s story styles, and creating a mini-narrative strategy to implement back and work.

  16. Using the tools, steps, resources, and activities provided in class

Your Journey:

Course goals1.jpg
Course goals2.jpg

Who takes this course?

Busy managers, directors, nonprofits, sales leaders, learning and organizational development professionals, and entrepreneurs.

  1. Up your communication game to be even more effective and influential communicators in business life

  2. Build practical communication, storytelling, and influence skills to use every day

  3. Apply these communication, storytelling and influence skills to specific projects in your current work

  4. Learn forward-thinking steps, tools, and processes to accelerate your results

PS — this counts towards a Project Management certificate :)

Accelerate your career

Accelerate your results

Accelerate your organization

Dates: January 12 - March 9, 2021