We Are Ready


It's true...

The road to my own transformational leadership was fraught with mistakes, dead ends, thrilling rides, and lots of questions. It’s taken me awhile to figure out what drives the kind of leadership that inspires and motivates us to be our better selves. But figure it out I did, and client results speak for themselves.

The Mission

Coaching and training leaders in agile storytelling and communication to achieve extraordinary results together with others.

The Vision

Together we create a future that excites, inspires, and empowers humanity.

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Office —
Eugene, OR


I did not grow up in a family of storytellers. I came from a family of engineers. My dad was an engineer. My brother John is a software engineer. My husband Tim is a software engineer. Other family members are engineers. I'm surrounded by them! Engineers and introverts are not necessarily known for great communication skills and I wasn’t a great communicator, either.

To make matters worse, my academic life trained me to be very very boring! I’ve put to sleep more audiences with mind-numbing PowerPoints than I ever care to remember. Over the years, I've had to learn storytelling and influential communication the hard way.

But I did it. I can’t wait to share with you the tools and processes I’ve developed over the years that take the mystery out of being inspiring and influential. I've perfected tools and shortcuts to make the storytelling journey a lot quicker and easier for you. Then Wiley publishers came knocking at my door, asking me to write a storytelling for Dummies book. I did that too, co-authored with Lori Silverman, which thrillingly became a best-seller. Check out Business Storytelling For Dummies.

My objectives are simple — to help you become a more compelling, inspiring, and influential leader — for you to generate buy-in and alignment that helps you accomplish amazing results together with others. And to create a future with you that excites, inspires, and empowers humanity.

Along the way, I learned the life-altering specific behaviors and attitudes for story listening. Who knew that story listening is far more effective than storytelling for deeper relationships, influence, being inspiring, and getting work done through people?! This now is at the core of my client work. Here’s my TEDx talk on the power of story listening to get you started. In that talk, I also share how I got started in storytelling, and how significant my first story teacher was.

I've contributed to many other books on business storytelling like the Circle Of The 9 Muses: A Storytelling Field Guide for Innovators & Meaning Makers, by David Hutchens; Working with Stories in Your Community Or Organization: Participatory Narrative Inquiry, by Cynthia Kurtz: Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes A Day To Communication Mastery, by Arthur S. Joseph, Wake Me Up When the Data Is Over; How Organizations Use Stories to Drive Results by Lori Silverman, and The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling; Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative by Stephen Denning. My current book contribution is a few chapters on narrative and knowledge transfer in Communicating Knowledge for Emerald Publishers, available in January 2022.

For six years I was the world's #1 curator on business storytelling until other projects demanded attention. It’s still one of the largest free resources on business storytelling, where I reviewed 2,300+ evergreen articles, with 17,500+ followers, 119,200+ visitors, and 56,900+ shares/comments. All of the articles are evergreen and still available for people like you to use. 

Along the way, I’ve worked with clients like Cedars-Sinai, CitrixViasat, Princess Cruises, Chase Bank, Avery DennisonSIAC, California Bank & Trust, Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, Microsoft, Beaver Medical Group, Just In Time for Foster Youth, and many others — from the Fortune 500 to victims of human trafficking.

If you are a kindred spirit, let’s talk. I look forward to it.