Happy Clients


A Sampling Of Clients


Beaver Medical Group

California Bank & Trust

Cedars Sinai

Chase Manhattan Bank

Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce


City of Bakersfield, CA

Just In Time for Foster Youth

LG Electronics

Mance Creative

Neenan Archistruction

Princess Cruises

SDSU Research Foundation

SIAC (Securities Industry Automation Corporation)

Telena Communications


Walt Disney Imagineering


Select Conferences and Talks:



Connected Women of Influence

Expanded Learning Institute Conference

National Communication Assoc     

Pacifica Institute


Smithsonian Associates

Vistage International



A startup technology company client (Telena Communications) had a great product and brilliant engineers. They had a great product and brilliant engineers, but they couldn’t communicate their way out of a hat. They needed investors to bring the product to market. During our sessions, each principal crafted their own personal story that conveyed their products’ uniqueness, plus their passion, dreams, and relevant life experience. After working together to craft their compelling story, they were able to raise close to a million dollars in initial seed money.

— Telena communications


One client, a former California State Treasurer, was interviewed by a national financial magazine while he was running for state office. He was exceptionally well prepared with all the correct facts and data. When the article appeared, the writer ended by saying the candidate was the most boring person he had ever interviewed. Where was the passion? Where was the leadership vision? He was devastated and knew he needed help because his ideas were not getting across and sparking action. After working together however, not only was he telling his compelling life stories, this politician received standing ovations. He inspired others with his leadership stories and vision. Even more, he found ongoing inspiration through continually exploring his stories.

— former california secretary of state


Gail Walker owned a daycare center in a left-behind area of San Diego known as the Bronze Triangle. She and the parents of the children in her center had a dream of a revitalized and vibrant community. The daycare center owner started on a quest and on the sheer force of her presence, received grants, and assistance to develop that community. But now it was time to develop housing and involve the city and county stakeholders in a big way. I worked with the center owner and others in their community to craft their stories so they were cohesive and compelling. Their stories inspired others. Key stakeholders came on board. Coalitions were made. Millions poured in. The community is realizing its dream today. Walker founded the Bronze Triangle Community Development Corporation and remains a significant force in the community.

— Bronze Triangle


Princess Cruises’ marketing department had been working hard to articulate its brand values. Yet when they went into the field to chat with customers they came away frustrated. They couldn’t find the customer stories to know if they were on track. After working with Karen they understood the mistakes they were making trying to evoke stories from customers, and ways they could craft better stories. They hired Karen to help them with their storytelling, and then collect passenger stories during a cruise. The project was a huge success, generating over 230 stories/anecdotes/tag lines to share in marketing projects. The project also sparked several internal story projects with staff.

— princess cruises